La Divina CommediaKING OF LOVE
production: Jack and Joe Theatre con il sostegno della regione Toscana (anno 2011)
in collaboration with: Festival di Segesta, La Città del Teatro di Cascina, Comune di San Casciano V.P. e circuito dei Teatri di Pietra
idea and directing: Adriano Miliani
actors: Sergio Licatalosi, Adriano Miliani, Tiziana Scrocca, Luca Stetur
original soundtrack: Matteo Ciardi
set design: Marco Falai e Tommaso Checcucci
video: Tommaso Branconi
organization: Mirella Lampertico

Since 1300 Divine Comedy has been a part of our culture, beloved everywhere, it has been able to go beyond its time and to live in eternity. Starting from the end of Inferno going on through to the Purgatorio, the show takes this less well-known cantica as its inspiration. Dante and Virgilio walk inside a set made of air, almost impalpable. Blowing up and deflating itself it changes, in continuous movement, shapes and colours dancing, following the two protagonists during their journey. The main thread of such a modern and multi varied language performance is the original Dante’s text. A Comedy (ours!), Divine (the one of the poet!) A fantastical journey through the Purgatorio, a place comparable to our earthly life, suspended between good and evil, staggering between value and cowardice, modesty and vanity, where all the protagonists will be judged according to their faults (in an age of corruptions and loss of values).

Ah servile Italy, grief’s hostelry! A ship without a pilot in a great tempest! No lady thou of Provinces, but brothel. So Dante described Italy in 1300, so we perceive our country nowadays. I decided to create a show about The Purgatorio, because it’s the only cantica where time, or rather the course of life, is still real. Everything is changing and nothing is definitive. The penitents still have a possibilty to ascend to Paradise, nothing is lost. A rebirth, a hymn to life, and a dream of a fantastic world as a salvation of our souls is possible. The Purgatory has been purposely read with a joyful and positive point of view and with a strong hope. The audience, which consisted of people from all aspects of society loved it. Their gratifying response gave us a confirmation about our artistic. [Adriano Miliani]

The show’s debut was the night of the 9th of July 2011, which was the first quarter of the new moon. For that special occasion we choose the courtyard of the Astronomic Obsvervatory of Torre Luciana in San Casciano V.P (Florence, Italy), a truly magical setting as tribute to the divine poet. Afterwards, we presented our show in: Teatro Romano di Volterra (Tuscany, Italy), Teatro Antico of Segesta (Sicily, Italy), Chiostro S. Chiara di Termini Imerese and The International Theatre Festival in Novosibirsk (Russia).
The performance can be shown both in open spaces as well as in closed ones. Unconventional sites give it a particular appeal.. It can be performed by the main four actors with the participation of extras from the community as chorus. We experimented this artistic option, with great success, in San Casciano (with five people from the same village), at Segesta (with a group of ten elderly participants of an amatorial theatre school from Catalafimi) and in Novosibirsk (with ten theatre students from the Academy of Dramatic Art).